Mrs Brenda Hawkins

Charity details

Stroke Association

Registered Number 211015

The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen And Families Association Forces Help

Registered Number 210760

Messages of condolence

In memory of my friend Brenda

Margaret .

In memory of a very special lady loved very much. She has taught me so much about life and her friendship meant the world to me and my family. Will miss her very much but know she is safe in our Lord's loving rms and reunited with Eric. Rest in peace Brenda. x

Anonymous .

In loving Memory of my dear Aunty Brenda.

Anonymous .

In loving memory of a lovely lady With love as always Sandra & Kelly xxx

Ms Sandra Home help

Dearest Brenda, You will be sadly missed and never forgotten And always in my thoughts With love Joan xxx

Mrs Joan Martin

In loving memory From Jane

Mrs Jane Edgington

In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and friend to many. Rest in peace xxx

Mrs Thomas