Mrs Elizabeth Fleming

Charity details

Christian Aid

Registered Number 1105851

Catholic Agency For Overseas Development

Registered Number 1160384

Messages of condolence

In loving Memory of lovely Betty. From The Floods

Mrs Julie Jones

Sent with love and remembrance of happy childhood memories spent in the Fleming household. May she rest in peace Xxx

Mr & Mrs Chris & Jackie Jackson (nee Kiernan)

With love from The Walter family X

Mr David Walter

In loving memory of a wonderful Lady.

Mrs Fiona Rivers

Fond memories of a wonderful lady.

Helen & Andrew Cliff

In loving memory of ‘Mrs Fleming’, a lovely, cheerful and spirited lady Neil, Lynda, Ryan & Nathan x x x x

Mr Neil Cheshire

In memory of Betty, sister-in-law, always in our thoughts and prayers.

Mr & Mrs David Wall

In memory of a lovely lady who made the best cups of tea - Sue & Stephen

Mrs Susan Heath

In memory of Betty Fleming

Mr & Mrs Kevin Stanley